June 16, 2021
Episode 21: Are You Living Authentically? What People Think Really Matters

In this podcast episode, we are going to talk about why we care so much about what people think – and how this can really keep us from reaching our potential and living an authentic and happy life.
- The psychology behind our survival brain
- How getting left out of the group or publicly humiliated in 5th grade can have lasting effects throughout your life
- The age when we stop caring so much about what other people think
- 4 things you can do right now to start living a more authentic life so that you can stop changing your behavior for someone else
I would love to know your thoughts on this topic. Did this hit home? If so, tag me on Instagram @ginakershaw with your thoughts or experiences. I can’t wait to hear about them!!
Here are the links I mention in the podcast:
- James Wedmore's Free 3-Part Digital CEO Training: https://www.yourtodaystory.com/jameswedmore
- Free pdf: 5 Things You Should Totally Be Doing If You Want to Quit Your Day Job: https://www.yourtodaystory.com/newlife
- The Mind Your Business Podcast: https://www.mindyourbusinesspodcast.com/
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson: https://amzn.to/3iIpZvX
- Video Podcast on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_b7cTN1JKTs