Episode 28: How to Improve Your Productivity

I have found that many of my listeners have big dreams, you want to make positive changes in your life, and you have some awesome ideas, but you are struggling to make consistent progress towards your goals.
You basically want to get more done in less time (without having to get up at 5 am or staying up late). And I love that. It’s totally possible!
In todays’ podcast, I’m going to let you in on 4 ways to be more productive. If you do only one of these four things, you are going to see a big improvement in what you can accomplish today.
Download the Free Workbook here: https://www.ginakershaw.com/productivity
Here are some more links I've shared!
· Send a screenshot of your review to yourtodaystory@gmail.com
· The Your Today Story Experience: https://www.yourtodaystory.com
· Gina's Website: https://www.ginakershaw.com
· Follow me on Instagram: @ginakershaw