Dionna Chambers

Dionna Chambers Profile Photo

Conscious Coach for Moms

Dionna is a Conscious Coach supporting moms create sustainable balance in all areas of life without the shame and guilt that comes with this important role!

After becoming a mother and investing in self-development, therapy, leadership trainings and more, Dionna saw a huge gap in the industry. Moms were being left out and really lacking the support systematically, socially, and emotionally to manage this role.

Likewise, becoming a single mom in the midst of a pandemic presented new challenges that came with being an entrepreneur and Dionna knew her purpose was not only in supporting moms but in their ability to make it on their own!

Her 3-step process focuses first on the relationship with yourself, the world around you, and with activating your purpose.

Dionna works deliberately, compassionately and swiftly so you walk way as the next version of who you get to be in this lifetime!

June 17, 2022

Episode 43: Meltdowns, Manifestation and Courage (with guest Dionna Chambers)

Dionna is a Conscious Coach that supports moms, helping them to create sustainable balance in all areas of life without the shame and guilt that comes with this important role! After becoming a mother and investing in self-de...