This episode is about triggers. Not the triggers that occur from trauma or PTSD, but the triggers that happen when someone says something that hurts our feelings, a crazy driver cuts us off on the road, or our spouse says jus...
Today’s podcast is all about Human Design - what it is and how you can use it to learn more about yourself, what lights you up, how you make decisions, and what motivates you. If you love tools like Enneagram, MBTI, Chinese A...
Dionna is a Conscious Coach that supports moms, helping them to create sustainable balance in all areas of life without the shame and guilt that comes with this important role! After becoming a mother and investing in self-de...
If you want to attract something different in your life, you will need to energetically match that new thing. This means that you are going to have to be a different person and do different things, because if you were already...
One of the secret ingredients to effective manifestation is having faith in a higher power. And what's interesting is that this higher power is different for everyone . The key is connection, faith, and trust. That is why my...
When inspiration hits, it’s magical. 💫 You suspect that the idea or suggestion did not come from your own mind , but from another consciousness. You may think of it as inspiration from the universe or from God, but either w...
I was discussing life goals with my husband the other night, and I used the word “more” several times before I realized he was totally cringing (energetically) every time. Don’t you want more? I asked. He very uncomfortably ...
In this podcast, I talk about programming and how each of us is programmed from an early age to believe the things our caregivers and other influential people believe. This is about examining and questioning the beliefs you h...
If you clicked on this podcast after reading the title – I just want to thank you for being here and trusting me with this topic. It’s gonna get vulnerable – I’m sharing some shizz today. [Also... may delete later. 😳] Before...
Just when we were starting to decompress from the commercialization of December and the holiday season, a new wave of commercialization has hit us square on - and most of us don't even realize it. It's January . Yep, just Jan...
You are a multi-tasking dynamo taking care of work, family, dinner, your broke college student, the dog's excessive paw-licking, the science project due tomorrow... You do it all. You are always showing up and being respons...
If you have seen small manifestations work in your life, but you haven't been able to manifest big, life-changing things, there is an essential step that you may be missing . In this podcast you will discover: A critical step...
The foundation of manifestation is the idea that God or Divine Intelligence has a beautiful plan for you and that everything is happening for you and for your benefit. Gabby Bernstein has said that " the Universe has your bac...
In this podcast, we talk about the law of attraction and why you may feel like it is not real , or why it may not be working for you the way you hoped. There is one huge mistake that many people make when trying to manifest t...
This week we talk about subliminal messaging - yes, the kind you remember hearing about when you were a teenager and the adults told you to stop listening to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin - those subliminals. The reason w...
SHOW NOTES: In honor of the 30th episode, I thought I would share a few things that got me to where I am in my life right now – and who started it all. I still can't believe that I just recently learned about manifestation. T...
In this podcast we talk about why you may not be creating the results you want – or why you have not progressed in your life as much as you always hoped for. If you’ve found yourself saying “I can’t do that because I have nev...
I have found that many of my listeners have big dreams, you want to make positive changes in your life, and you have some awesome ideas, but you are struggling to make consistent progress towards your goals. You basically wan...
Having expectations for the people and situations in your life is the fastest way to make you dissatisfied and unhappy. When you have expectations about how someone is supposed to be or how a situation is supposed to play out...
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about the affirmations you may be telling yourself that are actually holding you back and limiting you . If you’ve been wondering why the affirmations you recite as part of your mornin...
Stress has been in the news lately. Elite athletes, Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles, both recently stunned the world when they said that they were not able to perform as they normally do because of stress. Naomi decided to step...
This episode is a limited-time bonus replay of the masterclass: How to Improve Your Morning Routine So That You Have Greater Clarity, Focus and Productivity ( without waking up at 5am ) In the class we discussed Why thinking ...
Did you realize that core values are the reason behind EVERY DECISION you have ever made in your life? And yet many people (including me before this podcast) cannot even articulate their top 5 values. It's time to change that...
I love personality tests and this one is no exception. Even though there are only 9 types (as opposed to the 16 in Myers-Briggs), there is so much that can be learned when you know your own enneagram and the enneagrams of the...