
July 13, 2021

Episode 22: Procrastination: The Worst Enemy

This podcast is a bonus track of one of the lessons from Module 6 of my paid program YOUR TODAY STORY. In Module 6, I help my clients know what kinds of resistance will show up when they start to move from where they currentl...

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June 16, 2021

Episode 21: Are You Living Authentically? What People Think Really Ma…

In this podcast episode, we are going to talk about why we care so much about what people think – and how this can really keep us from reaching our potential and living an authentic and happy life. The psychology behind our s...

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May 11, 2021

Episode 20: Just Say Yes... And Then Let Synchronicity Do Her Thing

Podcast Episode 20 - Show Notes --------------------------------- Do you believe in a higher power? Do you believe that there is no such thing as coincidence? If you answered yes – or even a maybe, I want you to consider how ...

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April 20, 2021

Episode 19: Stop Comparing Yourself To Everyone Else & Demand More Fr…

We are designed to want to have every person start at the same starting point. Remember in elementary school when the kids would line up to race? There was a line that we would all stand on. Then someone would say "GO", ever...

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April 7, 2021

Episode 18: Toxic Relationships & Trauma Recovery (with guest Terra N…

**Trigger Warning** ------- If you’ve listened to the award-winning podcast Dirty John or watched the show on Netflix, you probably recognize the name Terra Newell. Side note: If you haven’t listened to the podcast or watched...

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April 5, 2021

Episode 17: How Breathwork Can Help You Live A Better Life (with gues…

Today I talk with the creator and founder of The Breath Channel , Stevie Wright! You have probably been hearing a lot about breathwork lately - it seems like people are finally starting to tune in to the amazing things that b...

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March 30, 2021

Episode 16: Embody The Future Version Of Yourself And Become Her Fast…

When you have an idea – They say if you keep taking steps every day – even small steps, that your success is inevitable – It will happen. It is the moving forward and persistence that guarantees you will ultimately find the s...

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March 23, 2021

Episode 15: Transform Your Life With A Vision Board

When you were a teenager, you probably created a collage of things that made you smile – bits and pieces of life - like photos from magazines, cool headlines, concert ticket stubs, a varsity letter, a picture of your ideal lo...

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March 16, 2021

Episode 14: Improve Your On-Camera Presence and Confidence (with gues…

Today I met with the founder of Be Marvelous You, Kellsie Moore . She is the leading on-camera expert for entrepreneurs, a highly sought-after professional actress, motivational speaker, mindset coach, and business strategist...

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March 9, 2021

Episode 13: Think You Can't Manifest? This One's For You.

Manifestation is the science of energetically bringing opportunity, people, things, abundance, prosperity into your life – just by believing and having faith that they are yours. If you use it to your advantage, you can accel...

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March 1, 2021

Episode 12: ADHD in Women: It's More Common Than You Realize

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD. I never realized I had the condition because I was always in a line of work that required uber-focus and had constant high intensity (so it was like a constant dopamine hit). After...

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Dec. 29, 2020

Episode 11: How to Easily Conquer Your Negative Self-Talk Forever

In this episode, I am going to show you the two ways that negative self-talk can come up, and why it is so powerful and limiting. Then I will give you a super easy tool to counteract it so that you can eventually conquer nega...

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Nov. 3, 2020

Episode 10: 5 Phrases and Words That Can Make You Feel Helpless

In this week's podcast, I call out the 5 things you should never say to yourself. These 5 phrases are words and thoughts that can make you feel helpless and out of control. They also stop any forward progress you are making! ...

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Oct. 25, 2020

Episode 9: How to Use Tarot To Get Clarity and Activate Your Intuition

This is about you and your intuition. We all have the gift of intuition, but we don’t use that sense as much as we use the others like your sense of smell or hearing – you get the idea. But just like your other senses, your i...

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Oct. 14, 2020

Episode 8: Law Of Attraction | How To Manifest Your Dreams

What is manifestation? It may sound crazy, but I had no clue what manifestation was until about 3 years ago. Like no clue whatsoever. I’m not sure I ever even heard the word – or if I did, I had no idea what it meant. What I...

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June 16, 2020

BONUS MEDITATION: Daily Abundance Affirmations

Changing things up a bit this week. Sometimes it is hard for new entrepreneurs to create their own affirmations and then commit to saying them daily. In this bonus episode I have recorded a daily affirmation meditation you c...

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May 8, 2020

Episode 7: How to Build Your Dream Life

This podcast is all about how to build that dream life you have always wanted. There are two things you need to know - and you will be on your way! There are universal laws of nature and energy that are always in play. And if...

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April 22, 2020

Episode 6: Trying to Stay Positive - A Teenage Perspective of the Pan…

We’ve been wondering how they’ve been coping. Especially our high school seniors. The last three and a half years of their lives have led up to this defining moment . But for high school seniors, these moments have been cance...

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March 24, 2020

Episode 5: The 4-Step Exercise to improve ANY relationship.

As of today, most of us have had at least one week under a stay-at-home order. To say this has been challenging for most people is an understatement. The stress and anxiety surrounding our ability to work and pay our bills i...

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March 12, 2020

Episode 4: How to Get Started (with guest Erin Titensor)

You have an idea. You think it might be good - and possibly life-changing. You haven’t really told anyone about it, but you can’t stop thinking about it. The question is … how to get started. You don’t know. You feel a bit co...

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Feb. 26, 2020

Episode 3: Finding Your Purpose

I have talked with a lot of women that seem to be searching for their purpose in life. They search for it in school, in work, in careers, at church, and in family, but for many of these women, they don’t think their purpose ...

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Feb. 15, 2020

Episode 2: How to Have a Successful Day, Everyday

Have you ever had a day where you kept going and going? You filled your day doing household things like laundry and dishes, taking the dog for a walk, putting away the toys (again), making dinner, vacuuming, folding more clot...

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Feb. 14, 2020

Episode 1: Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome comes up when a person is trying to do something they have not done before. It can be the first day of a new job, stepping into a new leadership role, or even just writing a blog. It is the feeling that yo...

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